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Peter Attia: What if we're wrong about diabetes?

Published on Jun 25, 2013

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As a young ER doctor, Peter Attia felt contempt for a patient with diabetes. She was overweight, he thought, and thus responsible for the fact that she needed a foot amputation. But years later, Attia received an unpleasant medical surprise that led him to wonder: is our understanding of diabetes right? Could the precursors to diabetes cause obesity, and not the other way around? A look at how assumptions may be leading us to wage the wrong medical war.

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sleep is the missing ingredient.
electricity has enabled people to stay up past their body's normal bedtime.
the advancements of the 20th century gave us cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
turn off the tv, turn off the cell phone, block out the lights from your bedroom, and GO TO SLEEP!!!!!

I became hypoglycemic when I was a female tow truck driver and worked 12-hour days running up and down the bed of a tow truck and pushing cars around. I was extremely muscular and in great shape. I did not eat too much. I did not eat chocolate. I didn't have time for Donuts and cake. I just started getting shakes in the morning until I had my morning coffee with lots of cream. Then I started needing orange juice in the middle of the day. I hated orange juice but yet I needed it. Then I had my blood sugar checked and was told I had hypoglycemia. And so it began. No matter how much exercise I got, I started to gain weight and I never stopped no matter what I did. I finally went on a keto diet and I've lost 30 lb so far and my feet don't hurt all the time. I don't have the blood sugar drops and I don't crave food all the time. Diet is everything.

Diet eliminates cancer, too.  Turns out we were wrong about it.  IT'S A METABOLIC DISEASE.  This changes EVERYTHING.  Go through the videos on THIS playlist and pick one.  It will get you started.  I started with the interview between Eric Berg and Dr. Thomas Seyfried, but there are others which are more technical, and some that are shorter.
When you vet it all, and see how important this is, please pay it forward and TELL EVERYONE.  Main stream medicine is SLOW to pick these things up and 1,600 people a day die from cancer.  It's up to us to save ourselves.  We can do it with metabolic therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, and glutamine antagonists.
I'm telling EVERYONE.
Humanity for the win:

Mineral deficient. Those long days sweating out all of your vital vitamins and minerals.  There are a few key minerals that are responsible for blood sugar regulation.  Chromium, zinz,magnesium,and selenium.  These minerals are hard to find in foods now days.

@michael price you are definitely on point. Mineral deficiency is the real cause of disease we face and pill popping will not solve the problem, the only thing that  can solve the problem is an increase in vegetable (not fruit) intake  which is where the vitamins and minerals can be found. Our bodies have been sanitised (pH change) to the extent that we are now allergic to certain natural foods (nuts and grains) and that can't be good...🤔

I lost 45 lbs on keto with 7-10 cups per day of leafy greens, apple cider vinegar drinks, intermittent fasting, and some bone broth.
I had massive inflammation everywhere. Arthritis symptoms.. Gout.. I thought my guitar playing days were numbered.
GERD so bad, I thought I was having heart attacks or severe lung issues.
I also have a labral tear that was constantly inflamed and I could barely walk. Now, inflammation is way down everywhere and I can no longer feel the tear 99% of the time.
I had bought a wheel chair for myself right around the same time I started keto. Never ended up using it.
I was searching for a low carb and low protein diet not to trigger my gout. Every time I tried low carbs before, I would crank protein and end up with gout.
It was all thanks to Dr. Berg.
No doctors, internal specialists,  gastroenterologists, rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons, hospitals, could figure me out. They all told me it was "in my head." Most of them recommended psychiatric help and blamed it on anxiety, which is something I thino is quite common when they can't figure out what you have... It's an "out" for them.. Blaming the patient.
But, Dr. Berg saved me.
I must have watched 30-40 of his videos before I took the plunge and experienced life changing results in less than 1 week. It worked so well, I couldn't stop. Now, after losing 1/4 of my body weight, I am finally in the normal range, without any noticeable damage I would typically have with other diets.

Wow. Every single doctor should watch this and learn a very valuable lesson. My mother was in the hospital a few years back. She was in pulmonary distress and it took 4 hours to get her to a point where she could breath as well as possible. She has a long history of pulmonary issues. Not just caused by many years of smoking. It was also due to childhood illness and other issues as well. She had quit 30 years ago. When she was able to speak and the doctor asked if she smoked and she told him yes but had quit 30 years ago he hit her on the leg with his arm. A type of punishment. It took everything in me not to jump across her bed and show him what I thought of his reaction to this poor frail woman. I, and so many others, are at the mercy of these doctors playing God. I am sick of this attitude they have. This is such a breath of fresh air and I commend this doctor for his "truth". Bravo!

This is a real DOCTOR - a HEALER who wants to challenge science and the establishment and cure people.
I am sorry to say it but most 'doctors' these days are business people, not DOCTORS!
Try to ease the guilt - sometimes we have to make mistakes, otherwise, we wouldn't have opened that door...


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