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Benefits of Garden Egg Leaves for Kidney Health

Garden egg leaves or, its academic language, Solanum melongena is a fruit that grows most in Nigeria. This unusual fruit is believed to contain many vitamins and minerals that could be beneficial for stable blood pressure, relieving stress, diet process, stomach health, even anti-cancer.
Beside eggplant, Garden egg leaves also has potential to keep your kidney healthy and prevent chronic kidney disease that can lead into other diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, anemia, pericartidis, and pregnancy implications.
Nutrient values in Garden egg leaves
According to Healthbid, for 1 cup of processed product, this leave contains at least only 1,9g sugar, vitamin A (22.1 IU), vitamin C (1,8 mg), vitamin E (0,2 mg), and vitamin K (2.9 mcg) which are beneficial to your diet program
It also contains high amounts of potassium for 189 g that helps kidney cleansing from dangerous material from your body.
Furthermore, it has zero amount of cholesterol and high amount of water (75,8 g) that’s very excellent method to get rid of dirts on your body.
Even though this Nigerian fruit might little bit hard to find, it has some reasons to be considered one of effective method to keep your kidney healthy. Here are some of its reasons:

Its potassium works as the filter to clean your kidney

Here are the benefits of garden egg leaves for kidney health. In one day, everyone can eat two and three times without realizing its nutrient values. It could be the case where poisons, food preservative, sugars, and other dangerous ingredient goes in our body. Once it slumps in the kidney, it will cause some diseases such as diabetes and heart complaints.
This is where Garden egg leave does its role. It will serve detoxification to your kidney as it has potassium in its nutrient value. Potassium will filter blood and everything that the food we eat leaves in our body in order to keep it clean and healthy. Here are for more about Benefits of Eggplant for Kidneys Health
Since it will keep filtering your blood from unwanted material in your body, your blood pressure also stays healthy and makes your body keep rotating healthy blood throughout your body.

It is recommended for mother with pregnancy

Mother with pregnancy is usually susceptible to be affected to certain disease, if she doesn’t take her health seriously. Especially she needs big amount of food to feed her baby inside. This will somehow affect mother’s kidney health.
It is very recommended for mother to consume either Garden egg leaves in raw or make it a potion. To make a potion from Garden egg leaves you can boil the leave and water. Then you can consume the mixture for twice a month.
The water will cleanse your kidney and bring unwanted materials alongside with urine. There’s also other ingredients to cleanse your kidney such as Coriander leaves and Plaintain water. Here are for more about Health Benefits of Dutch Eggplant

Garden egg leaves benefits other than kidney health

As its herbal and natural characteristic, it is believed that Garden egg leaves is also beneficial to other parts of our body.
First, it could be effective method for diet programs as its nutrient contains many mineral and vitamin that could sustain your body for some periods of time
Second, it is believed that the leave could release stress and make our mind calmer that can help our mental health stable. Here are for more about Health Benefits of Thai Green Curry Chicken with Eggplant
Third, the leave can prevent cancer due to its anti-inflammatory and phytochemicals that fights free radicals which can form cancer formation.
Lastly, It can help more stable and better digestion system thanks to its fibers as a components that’s found in fruit and vegetables.
Those are the benefits that can be found in Garden egg leaves, especially for kidney. It can be effective method to keep your body healthy, but it’s not enough to just consuming the leave. You also need to exercise, stop smoking, start to eat healthy foods, and not to sleep late at night.


Top Benefits of Eggplant for Kidneys Health You’ve Never Known Before

Kidneys have a role in removing harmful waste material from the bloodstream and balancing the body’s fluids. To protect kidney health, you need to include healthy foods in the diet. In this case, foods that contain antioxidants can help neutralize free radicals and protect the body including kidney. They can help to prevent oxidation and can help dialysis patients or people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Moreover, healthy foods can help them as people with kidney disease experience more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Then, it is recommended to add eggplant as this food is beneficial for promoting kidneys health. This one is rich in nutrient and provides great health benefits as well. To give you more information, here the list of benefits of eggplant for kidneys health.
1. Have Potassium
The reason why eggplant is good for kidney health is that it has potassium in it. In this case, eggplant has low potassium in it. It contains 2 mg sodium per its cup. As a result, the presence of low potassium will help to prevent the kidneys problem.
In addition, to have the healthy kidneys, you should have another low potassium foods including eggplant and apples, blackberries, blueberries, cabbage, carrots, grapes, green beans, mushrooms, onions, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon.
2. Low in Sodium
To protect the kidney, it is advised to have less than 2,300 mg of sodium a day and try to keep blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg. Then, eggplant can be a good option as it has low sodium in it. As the consequence, it is beneficial to promote kidneys health. All you need to do is by having eggplant as the healthy vegetable for you. You can prepare eggplant in many ways including marinating sliced eggplant in herbs, lemon, and olive oil, then cook it on the grill. You can also dip eggplant slices in egg whites then breadcrumbs and fry it in oil. Indeed, it will have good taste as well the health benefits.
On the other hand, to keep the kidneys healthy, you should reduce the consumption of foods that has high sodium such as bacon, hot dogs, canned and instant soups, boxed mixes like hamburger meals and pancake mixes, canned vegetables, pickles, cottage cheese, snack foods like pretzels, crackers, chips, soy sauce, baked goods and bread. You can also check on Benefits of Coriander Leaves for Kidney Health
3. Low in Phosphorus
One of the benefits of eggplant for kidneys health is by providing low phosphorus in it. It is linked to the recommendation for patients with CKD to limit certain minerals in the foods you eat, helping prevent waste buildup in the blood. As the consequence, eggplant can be a good option, as it has low sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Indeed, having eggplant for kidneys health is something that should be taken into account. You can also check on Symptoms of Kidney Stones From Small
Next, there are other health benefits of eggplant which are:
4. Source of Antioxidant
One of the excellent health benefits of eggplant is the way it provides powerful antioxidants. At this point, antioxidants content also include the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols to prevent the damage of free radicals effects. Moreover, it has also shown that antioxidant properties can help to prevent cancer and the growth of tumor cells in the body. Indeed, the antioxidant is the vital nutrient to the body as it offers strong protection against certain health problems for sure. Then, for the tips, you can add healthy foods such as green vegetables together with the consumption of eggplant to meet the positive results of antioxidant nutrient. You can also check on Health Benefits of Orange Tree Tea Leaves – High Antioxidant Sources
5. Improves Circulation
Another health benefit provided by eggplant is to improve circulation. This is due to the presence of many phytonutrients that helps to improve the blood flow in the body, especially the blood flow to the brain. Hence, as you know that eggplant offers great health benefits, you can add this food in your daily meal for sure.
6. Promotes Weight Loss
It turns out that having eggplant can help you to promote weight loss. This is linked to the presence of low calories, no fat, and the presence of fiber as well. As a result, it will make you feel full longer. For the tips, it is recommended to have a balanced diet by eating other fruits and vegetables as well. You can also check on Health Benefits of Arugula Salad Leaf as Your Daily Dietary Menu
7. Maintains Blood Pressure
It is also known that eggplant can help to maintain blood pressure. This is associated with the presence of flavonoids in eggplant. As a result, eggplant can be beneficial in maintaining normal blood pressure and relieve stress as well. Such great benefits, right?
8. Reduces Cholesterol
Due to the presence of polyphenols, antioxidant in eggplant, then it helps to reduce cholesterol. As the consequence, it is also maintaining our heart and blood systems. Besides, based on studies have shown that eggplant reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, but this effect only occurs if cooked at a temperature not exceeding 200 degrees. Hence, are you interested to try eggplant for the food now? You can also check on Health Benefits of Octopus for Cholesterol
Now, you have known the health benefits of eggplant for kidneys health. Then, check the tips for consuming it below.

Tips for Consuming

  • You can cook eggplant by making it boiled, fried, and even make it into soup.
  • For other option, you can have other fruits and vegetables such as red bell peppers as it is low in potassium and they’re perfect for the kidney diet.
  • Moreover, cabbage is also low in potassium and low in cost, so it’s an affordable addition to the kidney diet.
  • Indeed, the consumption of healthy foods including fruits and vegetables will help you to promote body function. You choose the best of them who meets the requirements of your health. Then, you can also improve kidneys health as well.
As conclusion, having eggplant for kidneys health is something that should be taken into account. It is high in vitamins as well as low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. Thus, you can be safe and healthy while eating this food. Therefore, stay healthy there!

20 Unbelievable Benefits of Coriander Leaves for Kidney Health

Coriander leaves are herbs that originate from the warm regions of Southern Europe and Northern Africa to the Middle East. It is also known as the cilantro or Chinese parsley, and is widely used in various cooking cultures, such as Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian or Thai cooking. Anyway, what are the benefits of coriander leaves for kidney? And in what other ways are coriander leaves good for you?
Nutritional Facts of Coriander Leaves
Before we proceed to the main topic on the benefits of coriander leaves for kidney, here are the nutritional facts of the coriander leaf. The data presented is sourced from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • 23kcal of energy
  • 67g of carbohydrate
  • 52g of fat
  • 13g of protein
  • Vitamins
    • Vitamin A
    • Thiamine
    • Riboflavin
    • Niacin
    • Panthothenic Acid
    • Vitamin B
    • Folate
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin K
  • Minerals
    • 35mg of Calcium
    • 8mg of Iron
    • 16mg of Magnesium
    • Manganese
    • 20mg of Phosphorus
    • Potassium
    • Sodium
    • Zinc
How is Coriander Good for Kidney?
Coriander is excellent for kidney because it contains detoxification properties. The detoxification process itself work by binding various heavy metals in the bloodstream while purifying the blood, tissues as well as internal organs.
Meanwhile, all of this is possible due to the coriander leaf itself containing natural biochemical substances that can also promote the establishment of vitamins and minerals in return. Those biochemical substances include phytic acid, citric acid as well as amphoteric electrolytes.
Apart from getting rid of heavy metals within the bloodstream, coriander can also restrict the kidney absorption of sugar and salt, thus making coriander s diuretic plant. Diuretic is a trait that cause the increased passing of urine.
On the other hand, coriander for kidney can turn out to be dangerous for kidney failure patients. In this sense, their kidney function plus electrolyte distribution is altered significantly, which is most commonly symbolized with high potassium levels. The potassium levels remain high because the kidneys cannot filter excess potassium from the blood efficiently.
High potassium levels may lead to hyperventilation, nausea, unstable pulse rate, or even heart failure as the worst-case scenario. So, the benefits of coriander leaves for kidney depend greatly on one’s own kidney condition. People with problematic kidneys or high potassium content should stay away from coriander at best.
These are also the 18 Symptoms of Kidney Stones.
Other Known Health Benefits of Coriander
  1. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetic patients should consider taking coriander products as part of their daily diets. Many experiments and researches have proven that coriander indeed stimulates insulin secretion while reducing blood sugar levels. Moreover, one study provided an additional fact that coriander seeds or leaves enhance the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  1. Soothes Digestive Discomfort
Researchers observe that coriander can also work as a antispasmodic drug, hence being able to heal the contracted abdominal muscles that cause the discomfort or any other gut disorders. Two digestive issues that can be cured with the help of coriander are diarrhea and the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  1. Reduces Blood Pressure
Consuming coriander products also help in reducing blood pressure, therefore making coriander products very suitable for those who suffer from hypertension. Coriander is also diuretic, or increases the urge to urine, hence staying you further away from blood clotting or strokes.
  1. Shields You from Food Poisoning
Several studies also found out that coriander’s antimicrobial properties make it a good compound for getting rid of food-borne pathogens. So, if you add coriander into your cooking, you are likely to get some protection from food poisoning. And then, coriander can effectively fight the distribution of Salmonella, which is also the number one cause of food-borne pathogens. Dodecenal, a chemical carried by coriander is also proven to fight against Salmonella twice as good as ordinary antibiotics.
  1. Improves Cholesterol Levels
Coriander is also thought to be one of the most successful foods that lower cholesterol level. It works by reducing the value of bad cholesterol (LDL) and likewise boost the amount of good cholesterol or HDL. The results are concluded right after doing cholesterol-related experiments using animals as the subject.
  1. Cures Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
The urinary tract infection or UTI is a mild infection that takes place within the kidneys, bladder and urethra. You can help to heal UTI by soaking 1.5 teaspoons of dried coriander with water overnight and drink the mixture the following morning. It also works to ease the pain or discomfort caused by it. For your information, here are the 20 Mind Blowing Health Benefits of Human Urine.
  1. Supports Healthy Menstrual Cycle
Coriander does actually support a healthy menstrual cycle by helping regulate proper function of the endocrine as well as other hormones associated with the menstrual cycle. In addition to that, coriander is also useful to reduce common menstruation symptoms such as bloating, cramps or other pains. Ayurvedic medicines have also been traditionally using coriander seeds as an ingredient to their menstrual medications.
  1. Possible Prevention for Neurological Inflammation and Disease
Chronic inflammation cause neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, brain tumour, or meningitis. A study published in a journal by Molecular Neurobiology found out that diets that are high in turmeric, pepper, clove, ginger, garlic as well as cinnamon targets inflammation better hence a reduction in neurodegenerative disease risks. Besides, those who regularly consume food high on the spices above are also less prone to such diseases.
Coriander versus Cilantro
Coriander and cilantro may resemble each other very well, hence making the two being used interchangeably. However, there are several similarities and differences in their own benefits, and here they are.
  • Treats urinary tract infections (UTI) very well.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Lowers down blood pressure.
  • Protects you from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Helps lower down bad cholesterol.
  • Improves digestive problems. [AdSense-C]
Health Benefits of Coriander
  • Supports healthy and ideal menstrual cycle.
  • Protects you from neurological inflammation and disease.
  • Possible shielding against colon cancer.
  • Works as a detoxification for heavy metals inside the body.
  • Fights against oxidative stress and the growth of free radicals.
  • Lowers anxiety.
  • Supports high sleeping quality.
  • Soothes dermatological (skin) irritation.
Those are the wonderful benefits of coriander leaves for kidney. We hope that you can maintain your kidney’s health at the most prime condition upon consuming coriander regularly.


15 Best Health Benefits of Plantain Water (#1 Kidney Health)

plantain waterDo you know what plantain water is? It is known that plantain water is a kind of flowering plants belongs to genus Alisma in the family Alismataceae. It is the water-plant which is widely been in Northern Asia, North America, and Europe. The habitat of this plant is around the margins of lakes or streams in watery ditches. It will grow in the damp ground and on the edges of shallow ponds. The flowers will bloom between June and August and the seeds will be ripening between July and September.
Besides, the name of Alisma itself has the meaning of water which Alis also means the aquatic habitat of the plant. Plantain water has the swollen and fleshy stem with the numerous whitish hairs. It can grow up to 3 feet in height. Moreover, it also has the attractive color and form of flowers.
As the consequence, it is known that plantain water has been used for medicinal purposes due to the presence of volatile oil and an acrid resin. The fresh leaves and roots are toxic, but you can remove it by heating, drying, or cooking them. The leaves of plantain water have antibacterial properties while the seeds of plantain water can be used for traditional medications purpose. Furthermore, the dried stem can be the treatment for heartburn, digestive problems, and has the astringent properties. Even, the root can be extracted as the essential oil which reduces the cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Then, to give you more information, we have listed the health benefits of plantain water below.
1. Acts as Diuretic
The leaves of plantain water are very beneficial to promote the body health. Not only for the leaves, it is known that the root has the hypotensive and lipotropic effects. At this point, it has the diuretic properties which can be the treatment for urinary bladder. This herb will increase the urine, sodium, and urea output due to the diuretic effect. It will help increase the excretion of urea, urine, and chlorides. As a result, it will deal with the inflammation of the kidney to treat dysentery, renal calculus, and other urinary system problem as well.
2. Have Antibacterial Properties
One of the health benefits of plantain water is to provide antibacterial properties. As the consequence, it will help to protect the body against the presence of bacterias such as Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To have this benefit, you can crush the leaves and use it for the food consumption of a tea.
3. Have Astringent Properties
In fact, the powdered seed of plantain water can help to deal with bleeding. Thus, next time you got an injury, then you can have plantain water as a way out.
4. Relieves Bruises
For those who suffer from injury, wounds, or bruises, then you can use plantain water to deal with these problems. In fact, the fresh leaf of plantain water can help to heal bruises and swellings. Indeed, as plantain water is a part of an herbal plant, then it will be useful to cure and reduce the pains of bruises and wounds for sure.
5. Promotes Digestive Health
You may think that to promote digestive health, you should consume fiber foods as well. At this point, it is true that you have to eat many kinds of fruit and green leafy vegetables. However, it is also shown that herbal plant like plantain water will do the same. It is known that dried stem of plantain water can prevent digestive disorders such as cramps, stomach flu, and heartburn. For the tips, to get the healthy digestion system, you can have plantain water together with other fiber foods for sure.
6. Promotes Weight Loss
Surprisingly, plantain water can be beneficial to help you lose some body weight. In this case, plantain water can help to lower the blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood fats as well. Hence, it has shown that plantain water can be the good foods for your healthy diet. For the tips, to have the best diet action, you can do exercise regularly and consume healthy foods like grain foods and fruits then.
7. Lowers Blood Pressure
Plantain water as the kind of herbal plants will give you best benefits. As you have read before, it provides benefits to promote the body health. Then, at this point, plantain water has a role in maintaining the level of blood pressure. In fact, plantain water has fat indices and serum nitroglycerine content which help to lower blood pressure. As a result, with the action of regulating blood pressure level, it will also help you to prevent risks of diseases such as hypertension. Indeed, what makes you healthy is the food you consume for sure.
8. Lowers Cholesterol Level
Consuming the best and right foods is a must. At this point, in you daily day, you can consume fruits and green leafy vegetables for the options. Then, surprisingly, having the herbal plant as your food is really great, too. In the same way, plantain water also has the benefit of lowering the cholesterol level in the body. This is also related to the presence of serum nitroglycerine content in the plantain water. Consequently, as you can control your cholesterol level, then you also can help preventing risks of health problems such as heart attack and stroke as well.
9. Promotes Kidney Health
It is known that herbal remedy can be the answer for the treatment of some kinds of disease. In this case, plantain water can be the one, too. Plantain water has the content to boost the body health as well. As plantain water acts as the diuretic, then it will be beneficial to promote kidney health. At this point, plantain water can filtrate and eliminate harmful toxins and wastes.
Also, the water decoction of this herbal plant can lower the renal calcium content and the formation of calcium oxalate crystal in the renal tubule resulting in the prevention of kidney stones formation. Therefore, with these benefits, then you can prevent kidney dysfunction such as kidney failure and urinary tract infections.
10. Cures Diarrhea
If you suffer from diarrhea, then you can have the roots of plantain water to deal with this problem. For the tips, you can also eat other probiotic foods such as yogurt to promote the healthy gut as well as restore the healthy levels of good bacteria in the intestines.
11. Strengthens the Bones
As a matter of fact, plantain water contains the high level of calcium in it. We know that calcium is the one that plays a major role in building the bones structure and density as well. As a result, this compounds will help strengthen the bone and facilitate the formation of teeth and muscles. For the tips, to promote the bones health, you can consume other dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese for sure. What is even great for the calcium foods is the way it can help you to prevent osteoporosis. Indeed, with the good consumption of them, you can achieve best health results then.
12. Promotes Sex Drive
As plantain water helps to promote the heat and fluid in the body. Then, it will be an effective generator of heat to the genital area. At this point, the seeds of plantain water will be beneficial to promote sterility.
13. Relieves Fatigue
The tea made from the decoction of plantain water can be useful for relieving fatigue or weakness. Thus, if you want to have the relaxing days, you can count on plantain water as well. Even, this herb is called as “cooling herb” due to its ability to cure dizziness. Further, do not forget to add the natural sweetener such as sugar or honey to have the sweet tea for sure.
14. Boosts Immune System
As you have read before, plantain water provides the best health benefits for you. This is due to the nutrients contained in it. Moreover, it has shown that plantain water has the anti-inflammatory effects which help to protect the body against free radicals damage. As a result, with the good content in plantain water as well as you consume this herb regularly, then you can be healthier for sure.
15. Promotes Beautiful Skin
Another benefit you can get from consuming plantain water is the way it helps promoting the beautiful skin. Studies have shown that plantain water can help dealing with wrinkles which are a sign of earlier aging. This is also related to the presence of antiseptic and antibacterial properties in it. Indeed, as this herbal remedy provides best benefits for you, then you will have no doubt to add it for the food consumption and beauty uses.
As the consequence, you can also read the following statements of the tips of consuming plantain water below.

Tips for Consuming

  • First, you can consume plantain water in the powder form which can be found online and at some health food stores.
  • Next, you can also find this herb in Chinese herbal remedies and it is usually mixed with other herbs such as chrysanthemum as well.
  • Then, you should boil or cook the leaves of plantain water before consuming it. As a result, the leaves will have the salty flavor then.
As the conclusion, plantain water will be the good option for your food consumption as there are many benefits of plantain water. You can have this herb to cure and prevent certain health problems. Indeed, with the right and regular use of plantain water, then you can achieve the best health results for sure. Thus, keep being healthy, good people!


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