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20 Diabetes Treatments With Natural Sources and Activities

Diabetes is one of the life threatening condition that commonly described whenever your body has too much blood sugar level. This is because diabetes can affect the body’s ability to produce or use the insulin. Basically, there are three types of diabetes, which are:
  • Diabetes type 1, which will affect the body’s ability to produce the insulin. The common cause of the diabetes type 1 is still remains a mystery and sadly, it is unpreventable and there is nothing you can do about it.
  • Diabetes type 2, which will affect the body’ ability to use the insulin in proper procedure. The common cause of this type of diabetes is commonly related to the unhealthy lifestyle. So, diabetes type is totally preventable and you can stay away.
But, the question is what if you already have diabetes? Are there any treatment that would be beneficial as the treatment of diabetes without causing too much side effects. To answer that question, here are various kinds of treatments that would be beneficial to diabetic people in a safe way.

Diabetes Treatments With Herbal Sources

Diabetes treatments with natural sources is the best choices. There are a lot of herbal sources that have been labelled as the super-foods that would be very beneficial to consume as the treatment against diabetes. Here are the various herbal sources that will be very good to consume for diabetic people as the treatment of diabetes.
1. Cinnamon
If you’re seeking for one of the best natural sources to treat diabetes, you should try to consume cinnamon. Cinnamon has a perfect ability to control the blood sugar level because this herb will stimulate the insulin activity. There are a lot of combinations to consume the cinnamon, which are:
  • You can mix a cinnamon alongside with the other ingredients in your meals.
  • You can boil two or three cinnamon leaves in a cup of water and let it steep for about 20 minutes. After that, you can drink the cinnamon directly.
  • Or you just can mix the cinnamon powder in a warm water, stir it, and you can drink it directly.
But, remember that you’re not allowed to consume cinnamon excessively because this herb would cause you a liver damage in the future. The substance that contained in cinnamon called coumarin would increase the possibility of having the liver damage.
2. Fenugreek
Is Fenugreek Good for Diabetes ? many people ask this. Aside from cinnamon, the natural remedies for diabetes is fenugreek. Fenugreek would be beneficial because this herb has the  hypoglycaemic activity, which will lower the blood sugar level. Also, as the natural remedies, this fenugreek contains a lot of fibers, which will slow down the absorption of sugar and carbohydrate in the body. Fenugreek will also stimulate the secretion the glucose-dependent insulin.
If you want to consume this herb as the treatment of diabetes, you could use it in a lot of variations, which are:
  • In the morning, drink the fenugreek seeds with the water. You can soak the fenugreek seeds in the water, and then drink it in the morning before you’re having a breakfast.
  • You an mix the powdered fenugreek seeds alongside with other ingredients whenever you’re cooking
3. Black Plum
Black plum would also be beneficial as the treatment of diabetes because it has a lot of components that would be very powerful to control the blood sugar, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acids, and tannins. If you want to use the black plum as the treatment for diabetes. Just like the fenugreek, every part of black plum, whether it is the leaves, fruit, and seed, has the hypoglycaemic activity, which will beneficial to control the blood sugar level.
If you want to consume the black plum, you could do a lot of variations and you can choose which one is match with your taste.
  • You can consume the black plum fruits directly. But, remember to wash the fruits first.
  • You can powdered the black plum seeds, and then mix it with the warm water, and you can consume it directly everyday.
4. Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd is one of the natural remedies that would be very powerful as the treatment of diabetes. Whether you’re having diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2, the bitter gourd is definitely the herb that you should try to consume. So, why you must consume the bitter gourd? Bitter gourd has the ability to lower the blood sugar level in the body, as well as increase the secretion of pancreatic insulin and prevent insulin resistance.
You could consume bitter gourd in a lot of variations, which are:
  • You could include the bitter gourd alsongside with the vegetables that you’re cooking.
  • Or you just ca simply put the bitter gourd in the mixer, add some water, and drink it as a juice. If you couldn’t handle the bitter taste of bitter gourd, you can add sugar or honey in it.
5. Mango Leaves
If you want to get the herb that you would be easy to get, then you should try mango leaves. Mango leaves will be very beneficial to control the blood sugar level in the body because it could regualate the insulin level in the blood. If you want to use this herb as the treatment of your diabetes, you just need to soak about 10 to 15 mango leaves in the water, and then leave it overnight. In the morning, you can filter the water from the leaves, and you could drink it directly after that before you’re having a breakfast
6. Aloe Vera
If you have the aloe vera in your house, then you shouldn’t use the plant just for the beauty of your house. You should also use the aloe vera as the treatment of diabetes, if you already have one, especially the type 2 diabetes. This is because aloe vera contains a compound called phytosterols, which will be very beneficial to control the blood sugar level in the body, as well as having the hypoglycaemic activity effects.
If you want to use aloe vera as the natural source to treat the diabetes, there are two ways that you can do, which are:
  • You can was the aloe vera, and then you just need to consume it before you eat, whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
  • You can mix the leaves of the aloe vera with its gel, with turmeric powder, and then put them in a glass of water, and you could drink it straight away.
7. Okra
Okra’s benefit as the treatment of diabetes has been known since long time ago. In the matter of fact, many health experts have already evidenced that okra has the benefit to control the blood sugar level. A study published by the Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences evidenced that the seed of okra has antidiabetic potential. Also, okra contains a compound called polyphonic which will be very good to reduce the blood sugar level and control diabetes.
If you want to use okra, you could serve it in two kinds of variations, which are:
  • You can include the okra in the meals that you consume directly
  • You also can soak the okra in a glass of warm water, leave it overnight, and then in the morning, filter the okra and the water, then you can drink it directly just before you have a breakfast.
8. Green Tea
Benefits of Green Tea already be one of the bes tea in the world for many purpose like health and beauty. Green tea has been known for its ability to control the blood sugar and thus, this herbal tea would be very beneficial as the treatment of diabetes. So, green tea contains an antioxidant called polyphenols. The most powerful antioxidant that contained in green tea to fight against diabetes is epigallocatechin gallate. This antioxidant would be very beneficial to control the blood sugar level, stimulate the insulin activity, and prevent you from type 2 diabetes of cardiovascular disease.
If you want to consume green tea as a natural treatment for diabetes, the step is very simple, you just need to soak the green tea in the warm water for several minutes, and the filter the green tea, and you can drink it directly after that. Many studies have also shown that green tea wouldn’t give the negative effects in the body.
9. Ginger
Ginger is the traditional herb that commonly known for its benefits for the health of our body. Ginger would be the perfect source whenever you want to treat the diabetes without any noticeable side effects. So, there 2 main benefits of ginger for diabetes, which are:
  • Glycemic Control. There is a study that published by the Journal Planta Medica in 2012 that the long term consumption of ginger can improve the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • Insulin Secretion. According to the study that published in the European Journal of Pharmacology in 2009, ginger extract will interact with serotonin receptors to revere the effects of insulin secretion. As the result, ginger can drop the blood sugar level about 25 percent compared than before.
10. Berries
Do you know that most of the berries would be beneficial as the natural treatment of diabetes? According to health experts, most of the berries, such as bilberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, and grapes have the compound called anthocyanosides. So, anthocyanosides are the part of the flavonoid compounds which will beneficial to lower the blood sugar level.
There are a lot of ways if you want to consume the berries. You can make the berries as a juice or smoothie, or you could also eat them directly. As the other options, you can consume the berries in the for of supplement that you can find in over-the-counter. But, you need to watch the dose of the berries, because taking them excessively will lead you to hypoglycemia.
11. Beans
Various kind of beans, such as pinto beans, navy, or black beans, would be beneficial to as the treatment of diabetes. This is because beans have a great amount of fibers, which will slow down the absorption in the body. Aside from that, beans have a great amount of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that will be very good for the diabetes, because it can regulate the blood pressure and the blood sugar level .
In the matter of fact, researchers have already evidenced that the magnesium in beans would be beneficial for diabetes, because it will reduce the insulin resistance, which will treat your diabetes. But, before you consume the beans, you need to drain them so that the sodium substance in them will be disappearing.
12. Whole Grains
Aside from the beans, the consumption of whole grains would also be very beneficial as the superfoods for diabetes. This is because whole grains contain a lot of nutrients that will be very good as a diabetes treatment. Whole grains have:
  • Chromium, which is really beneficial to make your blood sugar goes low. But, the excessive consumption of foods that contain chromium would lead you to kidney damage.
  • Magnesium, which is an essential mineral that would be very beneficial to treat diabetes. Magnesium would regulate the blood pressure and regulate the insulin sensitivity. Researchers have already evidenced that magnesium can lower the insulin resistances.
13. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, collards, kale, broccoli, cauliflowers, and any other vegetable, would be very beneficial too to treat diabetes. Dark leafy vegetables contain compound called sulforaphane, which will trigger the anti-inflammatory response in the body that can control the blood pressure and can protect you from cardiovascular disease.
Aside from that, commonly dark green leafy vegetables contain high amount of magnesium, folate acid, phosphorus, and zinc which will drop the develop of diabetes in the future.
14. Turmeric
Turmeric is a traditional spice that turns out to be very beneficial as the natural treatment of diabetes. This is because turmeric has an ingredient called curcumin. Curcumin is believed to be very good to regulate the fat in the body. Curcumin will be beneficial for fat cells, kidney cells, pancreatic cells, muscle cells, and many more. All of those factors will reverse the insulin resistance and thus, this natural ingredient would be very good as the treatment of diabetes.
If you want to use turmeric as a diabetes treatment, the step is very easy. You just need to mix the turmeric into the other ingredients whenever you’re cooking. The addition of turmeric will give a unique taste in your foods.

Diabetes Treatment With Activities

Aside with the herbal sources, you can also treat diabetes with some activities like exercise. Exercise would be very good to control the blood sugar level in the body, as well as increase the overall well-being. Here are the various steps that you need to whenever you want to treat diabetes with physical activities.
15. Talk To Your Doctor First
If you want to do an exercise as the treatment of diabetes, just make sure that you talk to your doctor. This is very important because they will assist and give you the recommendation about a lot of things. Firstly,the doctor will check your condition and then they will be more likely to assist you to the physiologist. The physiologist will give you the assistance what kind of exercise that will suit you the best, and then the amount of time that you need to exercise everyday.
16. Flexibility Exercise
One of the exercise that would be beneficial as the treatment of the diabetes is flexibility exercise. Flexibility training is mostly designed to improve the strength of your muscle and joints. So, what is the relation between diabetes and flexibility exercise? This is because whenever you use the muslce, the muscle will use most of glucose in the body, which then will lower and control the blood sugar level in the body.
The question is, what kind of exercises that classified as flexibility exercise? Here are the exercises that classified as flexibility exercises.
  • Basic Stretching
  • Dynamic Stretching
  • Pilates
  • Tai Chi
  • Yoga
The main benefit of this type exercise is that you won’t feel too tired compared with the other type of exercise. This exercise would also improve the health of your mind too since this type of exercise would relieve the stress feeling in your head, as well as improve the overall cordination.
17. Balance Exercise
Aside from flexibility exercise, the other type of exercise that would be beneficial as the treatment of diabetes is the balance exercise. Just like the flexibility exercise. This exercise would be very beneficial to people with diabetes because it will lower your blood sugar level. This type of exercise is specifically designed for elderly people or people who didn’t get used to have an exercise routine.
The various exercises that classified as the balance exercise are:
  • Standing in one leg over several periods of time.
  • Standing from sitting position.
  • Walking sideways or backwards.
  • Walking heel to toe in a straight line.
This type of exercise will also be very beneficial if you want to have the strong balance. If you have this exercise, you will be less likely to fall and injuring yourself in the future. Also, this exercise would improve the bone density, especially in your legs.
18. Aerobic Exercise
The next type exercise that obviously would be beneficial as the treatment against diabetes is aerobic exercise. This is because the aerobic exercise would be very good to make your body to maximize the use of insulin. Also, aerobic exercise would be very beneficial to lower the blood sugar level in the body.
The type of exercises that classified as the aerobic exercises are:
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Hiking
  • Moderate to heavy gardening
  • Dancing
Many health experts suggest that you spend at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week, with 5 days of exercise, 30 minutes each day. This would be good as the treatment against diabetes. But, if you also want to lose some weight, you need to increase the intensity up to 60 minutes per day.
19. Strength Exercise
Strength training or the exercise that commonly known as resistance training is one of the exercise that would be very good to maintain the health of the cardiovascular system. Aside from that, strength training will make your body become more sensitive of insulin and can lower the blood sugar too. Strength training will reduce the blood sugar because this exercise would make the muscles work really hard and then, they will use the glucose in the body.
The type of exercises that classified as the strength exercises are:
  • Using weight machines at the gym
  • Lift the dumbbell in several periods of time.
  • Exercise that uses your body weight to train the muscles, such as planks, sit-ups, push-ups, squat, wall-sits, etc.
Many health experts recommend that you need to do this strength training at least 2 times in a week, and combine it with aerobic exercise. Before you’re doing this exercise, you need to do the flexibility exercise first to avoid you from the injury in the future.
20. Walking
If you’re a type of person that don’t get used to have an exercise, you need to do this exercise everyday, for about 10 minutes per day. Walking would be very good to exercise your body so that you will get used to being active. Aside from that, walking would be very beneficial as the treatment of diabetes, because with this activity:
  • It can promote the weight loss and reduce the risk of dementia and chronic heart disease.
  • It can maintain the health of the cardiovascular system.
  • It would be very enjoyable if you’re doing this activity with your family members, or your friends.
More about diabetes

Diabetes Prevention

After you know various natural sources and activities that would be very beneficial as the treatment of diabetes, now you need to know how to prevent diabetes. Everybody must agree that the prevention act would be better than the treatment act. So, if you’re curious, these are the various things that you need to do in order to prevent diabetes.
  • Eat a Healthy Diet. Just like whenever you treat diabetes, you need to watch the food that you consume. Since the major cause of diabetes type 2 is obesity, there is no doubt that you need to eat the healthy diet. Avoid the foods that are high in cholesterol. Instead, try to consume fresh foods and whole-grain carbohydrates.
  • Mind Your Portions. Aside from consume the healthy diet, you also need to watch the portion of your foods. It is better if you’re eating at small portion, but you have side meals such as fruits, rather than eating at big portion at once. Eating at small portion will help you to cut off the calories and will prevent you from diabetes in the future.
  • Exercise, Exercise, Exercise. Exercise is a must thing to do whenever you want to stay away from diabetes. By exercising, it will make your muscle to use the glucose in the body, which then will lower the blood sugar level in the body, as well as will protect the health of the cardiovascular and your overall well-being. Try to have a physical activity about 30 minutes a day, even if it just walking in the neighbourhood.
  • Quit Smoking. Smoking plays an important role to develop the diabetes. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, smokers will be more likely to develop diabetes type 2 up to 50 percent compared with non-smokers. So, you need to quit smoking, although it will be very hard to do.
  • Limiting the Consumption of Alcohol. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the excessive intake would increase the risk of developing diabetes. But, that doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to drink alcohol, because the moderate amount of alcohol, in fact, would help the body to use the blood glucose more effectively. The recommended intake of alcohol is two glasses per day.
Read More Articles About Treatments:
Now you already know all of the natural sources and activities that would be beneficial as the treatment of diabetes, alongside with the tips to prevent diabetes. To stay away from diabetes, having a healthy lifestyle is the key. So, stay healthy.


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