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5 Unbelievable Benefits of Chewing Cloves for Teeth Health

Most of people, especially those who like to cook know this kind of spices, which is called clove. As you might already know, cloves are one of spices that are originally from Indonesia. The spices do not grow wild in the nature, but they are cultivated by farmers.
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This is a brief information about the cloves for all of you who want to know more about them. The scientific name of cloves is syzygium aromaticum, while in Indonesian, they are called as cengkeh or cengkih. Historically, cloves were planted and cultivated in Banda islands of Indonesia. They were plantation crops back then. However, in colonial period in which the era of trading was developing, they started to be exported to various countries in Europe.
The characteristic of the spices is that they are dried stalk of cloves which has unique flavor and taste rather spicy. The cloves are usually used as flavor enhancer and spices in various types of cuisines, including sweet cuisines like cakes. Cuisines and cakes that are commonly added with the cloves are fish cuisines and pineapple tarts.
Ice fruit drink is one of drinks that contains the cloves. Apart from being used in the food, the cloves are also used as basic material of aromatherapy oil. It is because of nutrition that is contained in the cloves, is suitable to make them into the aromatherapy oil.
The Nutrient Values of the Cloves
  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Carbohydrate
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Natrium
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Vitamin A and C
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Many people use the cloves to make the aromatherapy oil since they have distinctive aroma. The fragrant smell of the cloves can reduce stress and can soothe our mind and nervous system. In addition to that, the cloves are also good for our teeth. If you are curious of what advantages the cloves bring to your teeth, these are the list of benefits of the cloves for our teeth.
Health Benefits of the Cloves for Teeth
Here are the benefits of chewing cloves for teeth health:
1. To strengthen the teeth
Consume the cloves if we want to strengthen our teeth and prevent them to be porous. In order to make our teeth strong, every morning we should drink decoction that is got from boiling the cloves. It is important to always take care of our teeth, so that the enamel will stay strong even when we are older. It is because porous teeth or dislodged teeth usually happen to elderly people.
This, of course, can disturb our digestive system. As a result, we are only allowed to eat certain types of food only since our teeth are not powerful enough to chew all kinds of food. However, with the strong teeth, we can eat everything we like even if we are a grandma or a grandpa.
2. To fight cavity
There are more benefits of chewing cloves for teeth health. Cavity is one of common teeth problems. Many people of all ages, from children to adults, are experiencing this problem. This is obviously disturbing since sometimes can unexpectedly causes gums and teeth ache. Aching gums and teeth are so annoying, because the pain blocks us to eat any food we like.

We can use a natural way to prevent the cavity, which is by brewing the mashed cloves with hot water. We can use the liquid of cloves as mouthwash to ease the pain in the cavity.
3. To whiten the teeth
Aside from preventing the cavity, the cloves can also be used to whiten our teeth. People with yellow teeth usually do not have any confidence since the teeth can make their whole appearance less attractive. Moreover, it is hard for them to give others smile since the yellow teeth are considered as not perfect and disgusting.
Even so, there are some ways to get rid of the yellow teeth. One of them is to use the cloves. Just mash the cloves to powder, and then use the powder as the substitute of toothpaste. Brush your teeth regularly with the powder of the cloves 10 to 15 minutes everyday.
4. To prevent oral cancer
You need to know that besides all the nutrients that listed above, the cloves also have high antioxidant. By consuming them every morning as mixed ingredients in our beverages, we can keep various types of cancers, like oral cancer, away from our body.
The antioxidant that is contained in the cloves, is capable to fight the radioactive substance that is dangerous for our body as it can damage our body cells. We clearly need to maintain our health early in life in order to prevent the cancer.
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5. To maintain healthy teeth
Having healthy teeth and avoiding all teeth problems are everyone’s dream. Having healthy teeth makes us possible to consume any kind of food and drink we want, whether it is sweet, salty, sour, spicy, hot, or cold.
To prevent all teeth problems, such as cavity, porous teeth, and sensitive teeth, we can try to consume the cloves on a regular basis, because the cloves are good to maintain our teeth healthy.
Those are some of benefits of chewing cloves for teeth health. Hope that this article will give you an insight on the cloves, and it will be source of useful information for you.


26 Benefits of Cloves for Health (#1 Indonesian’s Secret Spice)

Cloves are one of the famous spices available all around the world. Unlike other spices that are available by seasons, cloves could be found throughout the year, so whenever you need it, the stock will be available nearby. Cloves provide you unique flavor like the combination of spicy and warm feeling mixed together, so it is perfect for baking, like pie and ginger bread, cooking for soup or addition to beverages like in a cup of tea. For more unique flavor, the combination of cloves and cinnamon is also perfect. However, the usage of cloves is not limited in the kitchen only because due to a lot of benefits of cloves for health, they are also used for the sake of medication.

What Are Cloves?
Well, everyone must know what cloves are but not everyone know from where cloves were cultivated. The origin of cloves are from Indonesia, especially from Maluku but now cloves are widely cultivated and exported not only from Indonesia but also from Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania and Pakistan. Unlike cinnamon which is obtained from a certain tree’s inner bark, cloves are actually flower buds of a cloves tree from family Myrtaceae with has scientific name Syzygium aromaticum. Cloves are harvested when the flower has four spreading sepals with unopened petals in the center, after that the cloves will be dried before they were distributed in dried form.
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Nutritional Value of Cloves
Dried Cloves
Serving Size: 6 grams
Energy47 Kcal – 2%
Carbohydrate10.51 g – 8%
Protein3.27 g – 6%
Total Fat0.15 g – 0.5%
Dietary Fiber5.4 g – 14%
Folates68 µg – 17%
Niacin1.046 mg – 6.5%
Panthothenic Acid0.338 mg – 7%
Pyridoxine0.116 mg – 9%
Riboflavin0.066 mg – 5%
Thiamin0.072 mg – 6%
Vitamin A13 IU – 0.5%
Vitamin C11.7 mg – 20%
Vitamin E0.19 mg – 1%
Vitamin K14.8 µg – 12%
Sodium94 mg – 6%
Potassium370 mg – 8%
Calcium44 mg – 4%
Copper0.231 mg – 27%
Iron1.28 mg – 16%
Magnesium60 mg – 15%
Manganese0.256 mg – 11%
Phosphorus90 mg – 13%
Selenium7.2 µg – 13%
Zinc2.32 mg – 21%
Beta-Carotene8 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin464 µg
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Cloves are one of the spices from herbal plant with unique flavor which have a lot of benefits for human health. However, not many people know about the benefits of cloves for health because instead of used as medication, cloves are famous because they were the main ingredients of cigarette called Kretek in Indonesia. Well, to open your mind a bit, perhaps the list of benefits of cloves for health below will give you some insight knowledge about how amazing cloves are.
  1. Aids Digestion
Some compounds found in cloves are effective to stimulate the secretion of certain digestive enzymes to improve digestion. Healthy digestion will promote healthier body metabolism and optimal nutrient absorption.
  1. Contains Antimicrobial Properties
Some studies have found that some antimicrobial properties found in cloves are even effective to kill bacteria of cholera. More studies have stated that cloves are potent solution to kill a number of human pathogens.
  1. Great to Fight Cancer
Cloves are relatively rich of antioxidants that are great to fight free radicals that could cause the development of cancerous cells.
  1. Liver Protection
The hepatoprotective properties found in cloves are really great for liver protection because due to metabolism process, the amount of antioxidant in the liver could be significantly decreased and those properties provide the counter effect and provide protection to the liver.
  1. Immunity Booster
From the table above, cloves are relatively high in vitamin C which is great for immune system. Furthermore, cloves also promote the production of white blood cells and at the same time treat hypersensitivity.
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  1. Good for Diabetes
Insulin is essential to manage the level of blood sugar but due to certain factors, body cannot produce insulin or the amount of insulin is not enough to regulate the blood sugar level in the bloodstream. Well, cloves could make sure the optimal production of insulin to manage blood sugar level.
  1. Preserves Bone Quality
There is no way for you to stop the time, so getting older is something you could make sure. During senior age your body will lose its ability to absorb calcium and there must be the time when your bones are lacking of calcium. Well, cloves have solution by preserving your bone quality and keeping them strong in much longer time.
  1. Contains Anti-mutagenic Properties
One of the mutagenic effects is when your DNAs are mutated due to some factors, like free radicals. It is actually the root of the development of cancerous cells. Cloves contain anti-mutagenic properties that could prevent it in the first place.
  1. Natural Solution to Oral Diseases
Toothache is not going to be fatal but totally annoying. Before you meet your doctor, you could chew some cloves to relieve the aches.
  1. Great to Treat Headache
During pregnancy, sometimes mothers should deal with their headache because they are not allowed to consume any drugs for the sake of the baby. Well, cloves are quite safe to consume even during pregnancy and they are great to treat headache.
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  1. Helpful to Treat Lung Cancer
Due to some properties like anti-carcinogenic and chemo-preventive properties, some studies have shown that cloves could treat early stage lung cancer in much effective way.
  1. Contains Anti-Inflammatory Properties
The eugenol found in cloves is potent anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, cloves also contain pain-killing properties to relieve the pain caused by the inflammation.
  1. Contains Aphrodisica Properties
The fact that cloves contain aphrodisica properties have been proven by some intensive studies and tests.
  1. Contains Antioxidant Properties
Antioxidants are essential for human body especially for immunity system because it is the only effective way to fight free radicals and cloves contain some potent antioxidants that required by human body.
  1. Relieves Nausea and Vomiting
There are a lot of factors that could cause you suffering from nausea and vomiting but whatever the factors that cause it, you could always count on cloves to relieve the nausea and prevent the vomiting.
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  1. Treats Cough
Cough could be really annoying sometimes especially when you got in the middle of the night. Just pour a glass of warm water and then put some cloves to drink, to treats cough naturally.
  1. Fights Bad Breath
Got problem with bad breath especially after you eat some foods that are not good for your breath? Well, just chew some cloves to fight it.
  1. Overcomes Sinusitis
One of the benefits of cloves for health that not everyone knows is that cloves are great to overcome sinusitis, though perhaps it is only for the sake of home remedy only, consult your condition with your doctor is still necessary.
  1. Natural Remedy for Morning Sickness
Most pregnant mothers don’t know that to deal with their morning sickness is as easy as consuming warm tea with some cloves every morning.
  1. Great for Cold
It is true that there are a lot of medicines and drugs you could consume to treat cold but for you who prefer natural way; cloves are the best solution available in this matter.
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  1. Treats Flatulence
Flatulence occurs when gas is accumulated in the alimentary canal. What you need to do to treat it is just taking 4 or 5 cloves and mix them with warm water, drink it every morning to treat flatulence effectively.
  1. Soothes Stress
You could try to inhale the extract cloves oil as aromatherapy to help you releasing your stress.
  1. Natural Solution for Acnes
The anesthetic properties and anti-bacterial properties found in cloves are great to treat acnes and the healing properties found in cloves will help you accelerating the healing process.
  1. Cloves Oil to Remove Scars
Well, acnes and some skin conditions could leave some ugly scars in your skin. Just applying cloves oil regularly to help you healing and removing the scars completely.
  1. Homemade Face Mask
The herbal mask made from cloves are not only able to kills bacteria that cause pimples and acnes but also able to give your skin a natural glowing.
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  1. Prevents Hair Loss
One of the amazing benefits of cloves for health is for your scalp. Just massaging cloves oil to your scalp to improve the blood flow and promote the healthier hair growth.

Cautions of Cloves

From the list above about benefits of cloves for health, you must have a lot of reasons to consume cloves by adding them to your cooking, baking or beverages and use them for medication purpose. However, cloves also contain some properties that probably not really good for your health if they were consumed in high dosage. Fortunately, it is very rare for a person to consume cloves in high dosage but still you need to aware of some cautions of cloves.
  • Cloves oil are proven to be effective in treating some skin conditions but due to some properties contained like cytotoxic properties is better for you to mix cloves oil with other types of oil like olive oil to reduce the dosage and reduce the risk that might be caused by the toxic properties.
  • In the form of cigarette which is well known as kretek from Indonesia, this type of cloves cigarette is actually much more dangerous than tobacco cigarette.
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It is better for you to purchase whole cloves instead of the powdered cloves because you could check the quality of cloves by putting them in the water. Those that are floating vertically are in the good quality while those that are sinking or floating horizontally are stale.


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